Lelantos Press

to the ends of the earth

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The Adventures of

Princess Lailya,


and Tilley Turtle

A fairy tale fantasy

Eva Schicker

SBN-13: 979-8884980402

Land of the

Second Light

A speculative ​gentrification

Ethan Pettit

SBN-13: 000-0000000000




Pearl of the

Eastern Art


Arts & Culture

Yani Vanderbeck

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Of the Orange

A citric ontology

Vivian Adams

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My New York City

An insider’s guide to art ​New York

Delphine Dumont

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& flows

Ebb​s​ & Flows

A graph​i​c monograph

Y​ani Vanderbeck

SBN-13:​ 000-0000000000

The Adventures of

Princess Lailya, Bulumbu,

and Tilley Turtle

Eva Schicker

Amazon paperback

Kindle ebook​

iTunes ebook



61 pages

12 - 100+ years

4.3 ounces

5.25 x 0.15 x 8 in


How it all began


Princess Lailya was born in the Year of the Silver Moon, when the moon ​shone brighter and longer than it had in a hundred years.

In that year, the night sky had a silver tint and snowcapped mountain ​peaks glistened like diamonds.

Princess Lailya was born to Princess Yaruna and Prince Taya. They ​named their infant daughter Lailya, of the Night and Moon, and made ​many offerings of thanks for their beautiful girl.

The happy parents made their home on a high plateau of the Sozanbu ​mountains. There, Lailya roamed the meadows and hills among myriad ​lakes and rivers and snowy passes.

From a very young age Lailya had shown an adventurous spirit. She ​accompanied her parents on travels to faraway lands, from the Indigo Sea ​to the Colossic Ocean.

On one of these travels, far away from their home, Lailya and her ​parents visited an aunt, Queen Skyla, in her temple abode on Sakaru ​Island rising from a turquoise sea and draped in sparkling lakes and rivers.

While her parents were occupied at the Queen’s court, Lailya spent her ​days by the shores of a lake. It was there one day that a gigantic goldfish ​appeared and started talking to her.

“Do you speak the Language of the Scales?” he asked.

Yes, as it happened, Lailya did speak the Language of the Scales,* ​having been taught by one of her uncles who lived by a river.

“My name is Bulumbu,” said the goldfish.

Lailya simply replied, “Lailya.” ...

*A melodic and bubbling lingua franca of the aquatic realms.

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Fairy Tales


Graphic Novel

SBN-13: 000-0000000000

Land of the Second Light

Ethan Pettit

Medium feature

Chapter 1





Based in Brooklyn, NY, Lelantos ​publishes fairy tales, fantasy, and ​speculative reverie.


Based in Brooklyn, NY, Lelantos ​publishes fairy tales, fantasy, and ​speculative reverie. Add copy in the ​future to come.

Based in Brooklyn, NY, Lelantos ​publishes fairy tales, fantasy, and ​speculative reverie. Add copy in the ​future to come.


Based in Brooklyn, NY, Lelantos ​publishes fairy tales, fantasy, and ​speculative reverie. Add copy in the ​future to come.

Based in Brooklyn, NY, Lelantos ​publishes fairy tales, fantasy, and ​speculative reverie. Add copy in the ​future to come.

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All content © Lelantos 2024.

All content © Lelantos 2024.
